The royals who bet everything on alternative medicine to defeat VOC



After a month, Algeria made an appointment with the doctor for a check-up.

The doctor echoed and, seeing that Algeria’s liver had recovered, he was surprised but disappointed when Algeria explained that his relief was not due to the drugs he had prescribed.

“He said ‘hey ma’am, you’re okay, now your liver is super good, super clean, it’s good that you took the medicine literally and you followed the diet literally”, diet yes I did, but your medicine, look, there it is, “he said,” but how? ‘I said:’ no, look, I did this and this and this’ and the doctor was very surprised ”.

Since then Algeria, a royal city dedicated to alternative medicine, began to promote the use of chlorine dioxide, first among her family and then among her closest friends.

“When I see that my life has gone very well, I go back to the person who sold me and start buying it in quantity and start distributing it to all my family and friends with health problems,” says Montes de González and says that the people were healed.

With the help of Kalcker’s tutorials and the advice of the person who has been selling him the formula for months, Algeria has learned how to make chlorine dioxide at home.

“Since then my house has not disappeared, there is always chlorine dioxide in the refrigerator,” says Algeria.

Remember that when the pandemic hit, there was also a spate of videos promoting drugs against the new virus.

The first thing he did was contact the health authorities in Nuevo León to talk to them about the benefits of chlorine dioxide.

They said yes, but they didn’t say when.


For the occasion, Algeria has requested a demonstration through social networks on the terrace of the Government Palace in Monterrey, to draw the attention of the authorities and the community to the effectiveness of chlorine dioxide.

“Without knowing who would go, if people would go, I said, ‘It doesn’t matter, if it’s just me and my family, it’s just me and my family.’

More than 70 people attended. It was last June.

Suddenly, she cuts off the conversation, says it’s time to get her chlorine dioxide out.

Then he takes a clear bottle containing a yellow liquid from a table, takes off the cap and takes a few short sips.

It is the same operation that has been performed for more than eight years.

Every hour, for 21 days, Algeria releases chlorine dioxide, part for two or three months and then.

Also, eat vitamins and eat healthy.

Nothing hurts, he says.

“People say to me ‘hey, they tell me on television that this is toxic, deadly and damages vital organs’ when it’s not true. I tell people: ‘search, find out. If people want a testimony, here I am. ‘

-What does it taste like? –

It tastes of nothing, it smells faintly of chlorine, but nothing happens, you feel nothing, what you are taking is pura vida.

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