The risk of Covid-19 eye infection remains unclear


Image d’illustration | Domaine public / Pixabay

According to an American study, the cornea would not allow SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus responsible for Covid-19, to replicate. Are the eyes resistant to the virus? The question arises, as the scientific literature has reported ocular symptoms associated with the disease, and several healthcare worker infections appear to be linked to contamination through the eye.

Because this is surprising. The cornea is an entry point for many viruses, such as Zika or herpes. We also know that it has the receptors that the virus generally uses to enter cells. However, if the cornea has mechanisms that protect it from the virus, this would be an advantage for the development of biological protection methods. These could be aimed at people in contact with Covid-19 patients, but also allow the treatment of tissues destined for transplantation.

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