The Ripple XRP Bot now works with the "STEAM" payment protocol of the reel

  XRP-Tip-Bot-Now-Integrates-with-Coil "title =" XRP-Tip-Bot-Now-Integrates-with-Coil "/> </div>
<p>  The flagship bot of the XRP community received another important update As announced by the creator of XRP Tip Bot Wietse Wind, the tool now supports Coil. </p>
<p>  Coil is a company created by the former director of Ripple and by the protocol creator InterLedger Stefan Tomas. Coil is managing micropayments through the InterLedger protocol, allowing sites to support themselves with micropayments and less publicity </p>
<p>  By integrating the flagship XRP Bot with Coil, users of Bot Tip XRP will be able to execute "STREAM" payments in XRP . </p>
<p>  <strong> STREAM </strong> is a protocol for InterLedger Protocol standing for Streaming Transport for real-time exchange of assets and messages. </p>
<p>  When you execute "STREAM", you are sending a small and continuous stream of cryptocurrency In this case, with XRP Tip Bot, i Payments are so small that they are measured in drops, which is the smallest possible division of XRP. </p>
<p>  You could start STREAMre payments while browsing a website, for example. Instead of actively paying for content on the Internet – for example, sending a $ 5 suggestion to the developer – you are paying passively for content as long as you are browsing a website. </p>
<p>  You can top up your Coil balance using credit cards, XRP or other cryptocurrencies. This means that even if you call the XRP Tip Bot, you can now theoretically integrate other cryptocurrencies into the platform. </p>
<p>  Coin uses a flat rate of $ 10 a month for XRP donations. You can top up this amount if you donate more than $ 10 in the billing period. </p>
<h2>  Coil integration increases transaction speed to "Trillion per second" </h2>
<p>  By integrating with Coil, XRP Tip Bot can now make payments through channels. </p>
<p>  This is an important development because it introduces the possibility of generating trillions of transactions per second. </p>
<p>  The streaming payment function is also seen as a major problem by the crypto community. It opens up the possibility of launching something like a pay-per-stream service, for example, where users can watch a second of video and pay for that second of video. </p>
<p>  Likewise, a user could pay for a single article on a website instead of a paywall for the entire site or a subscription to a newspaper. </p>
<p>  As reported by AMBCrypto, who interviewed Wietse Wind, creator of XRP Tip Bot, is enthusiastic about the integration with Coil: </p>
<p>  "Coil will allow creators of content to earn money when people watch / read / visit their creations: users have a flat rate subscription, making it possible to send small value packages from one user to another. </p>
<h2>  XRP Bot users now have a personal InterLedger protocol address One Click Away </h2>
<p>  another exciting development with the integration of XRP Tip Bot from Coil is that users of XRP Tip Bot now have a personal InterLedger protocol address immediately accessible to them. </p>
<p>  This means, by extension, that Twitter users, Reddit, Discord and other XRP Bot platforms all have one-click ILP addresses, which could bring STREAM payments to the masses. </p>
<p>  These are exciting times for the i XRP Tip Bot. For more information on XRP Tip Bot or to access the network today, visit online on </p>
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