The rheumatologist explains how to diagnose rheumatoid arthritis


World Rheumatoid Arthritis Day was celebrated this month. The date was set to draw the attention of the population to the disease that affects more than two million Brazilians today. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease characterized by progressive inflammation and destruction of the membrane covering the joints, which can lead to irreversible bone damage and functional disability.

Several peculiarities can help in the early diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. Dr. Claudia Goldenstein Schainberg, specialist in rheumatology and treatment of diseases that affect the connective tissue and skeletal muscle system including joints, spine, bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments, talks about some factors that can help in the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.

“The diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis is clinical, requiring a detailed history and physical examination, to be performed when the patient has signs of joint inflammation for at least six consecutive weeks. Swelling, pain, redness and morning stiffness may appear, lasting at least one or more joint areas. In general, the disease affects the large and small joints of the hands symmetrically, which may be accompanied by rheumatoid nodules, the presence of rheumatoid factor in the blood, as well as deformities and characteristic radiographic changes in the steps later, “explains the expert.

Dr. Claudia warns that treatments can vary according to the stage and severity of the disease and that, in all cases, medical monitoring with the specialist is essential. “Anti-inflammatories are the initial basis of treatment followed by corticosteroids for the acute phases and combined with drugs that modify the course of the disease. In the most severe cases and refractory to conventional treatments, immunosuppressive drugs and also immunobiological agents that modulate the immune system can be Follow-up by the rheumatologist is essential and must be continuous, with intervals between consultations varying from patient to patient “, he concludes.


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