The results of a drug against covid-19 were presented to the WHO


Maduro's regime has presented the results of its covid-19 medicine to the WHO
Photo: EFE

The Nicolás Maduro regime presented to the World Health Organization (WHO) on Monday the results of the drug it has developed and which, according to it, “cancels the coronavirus,” Delcy Rodríguez said.

“We have formalized this study, this discovery before the WHO to initiate the corresponding international procedures, in view of the certification and registration of this very important and transcendental discovery,” Rodríguez said in a statement to the media.

Maduro announced Sunday that Venezuelan scientists have “made a drug that cancels 100% coronavirus” and that the Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research (IVIC) has been studying for six months.

According to Maduro, it is a molecule called DR-10 that “was totally isolated and subsequently compared with the covid-19 virus” in a six-month study that led to “100% annihilation of the virus. “.

In this sense, Rodríguez assured this Monday that the discovery shows “the effective properties of this molecule on in vitro cells infected with COVID-19”.

“In the company of the Minister of Health and the Chancellor, we shared the results of the IVIC study with the PAHO and WHO representative,” he said.

The objective is, as he underlined, to be able to “initiate the corresponding international procedures in view of the certification and registration of this important find”.

During the meeting with the WHO and OPS representative in Venezuela, Pier Paolo Balladelli, they also shared with him “other lines of research” on the “follow-up and development of this line of research that seeks the same results”.

Doubts about medicine

Julio Castro, an infectious disease doctor, expressed his doubts on Monday about the drug against covid-19 that the Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research would develop.

“Venezuelan scientists could investigate, particularly at the IVIC, which has a history of genetic research in hepatitis B and C. But this sounds very strange,” Castro said in an interview with journalist César Miguel Rondón.

And he added: “That classification they said, DR-10, is not a standard classification within international molecules. It seems a bit unreal to me that in six months we will have a drug that has proven effective on patients. To our knowledge, there are no patient studies to prove the effectiveness of this drug, “he said.

Maduro’s regime confirmed 482 new cases of covid-19 on Monday, with which 90,047 people are already infected with the coronavirus, the official said. The total death toll has risen to 777.

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