The Prince of Bel-Air bursts into tears and the whole family with him


Fans of the new Prince of Bel-Air aka Will Smith are looking forward to the big reunion: after 30 years there is a reunion of Will Smith and the Banks family.

Actor Will Smith had a lot of laughs and even a few tears of joy when he saw his friends from the “Prince of Bel Air” as he now shows on Instagram. Friends of the popular US sitcom have been waiting for this moment for a long time.

In the trailer, Will Smith meets his series family Tatyana Ali (Ashley), Alfonso Ribeiro (Carlton), Karyn Parsons (Hilary), Daphne Reid (Aunt Viv), Joseph Marcell (Geoffrey) and DJ Jazzy Jeff (Jazz).

As a reminder: Smith played in the original sitcom (1990-1996) a boy from a poor neighborhood in Philadelphia who is sent by his relatives to the posh Californian city of Bel Air. This has led to strange intertwining.

Today, November 16, the HBO Max streaming service, which includes a large reunion for the birthday of the round prince, will be released on the HBO Max streaming service.

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