The powerful antibody that fights the coronavirus


The world is running out of time looking for a solution for COVID-19. In this research, on a global scale, Portugal also made its contribution.

In line with the discovery by FairJourney Biologics, a Porto-based biotechnology company, a powerful antibody has now been discovered that can fight the novel coronavirus.

CV30: the powerful antibody that fights the coronavirus

Scientists at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, USA, were able to map the molecular structure of an antibody, called CV30, that causes the new coronavirus "thorns" to break, preventing infection, JN reveals.

CV 30 is 530 times more effective than any other antibody

The discovery has already been published in the journal "Nature Communications". The CV30 is capable of interfering with the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 spine, causing them to rupture and preventing infection. CV30 is a tiny "Y" particle protein 530 times more effective in fighting the novel coronavirus than any antibody identified so far.

CV30: the powerful antibody that fights the coronavirus

This powerful antibody was identified in the blood of a patient recovered from COVID-19 in Washington. According to the researchers Leo Stamatatos, Andrew McGuire is Marie Pancera ...

The study shows that this antibody [CV30] neutralizes the virus through two mechanisms: it overlaps the target of the virus in human cells and induces the release or dissociation of part of the peak [do coronavírus]

CV30 may be useful in the prevention or treatment of COVID-19. Investigations continue around the world and many developments are known.

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