The plan behind a PlayStation 5 feature revealed


According to leaked Sony internal secret documents, the Japanese company aims to allow people with limited time to play the PlayStation 5’s Events feature to be able to play single-player games.

Japanese tech giant Sony, the next generation game console, Playstation 5, “Events” Offers a new feature called. Thanks to this feature, the players; They can reach certain missions, modes or side missions in the game without wasting time. So why has Sony released such a feature that technically reduces the “play time” of games?

Recently from an anonymous source Vice.comEvents are displayed based on Sony internal documents sent to PlayStation 5It is one of the most important features of. Because according to Sony, events are the key to the rise of single player games.

The PlayStation 5 events feature could be the key to the rise of single player games

PS5 events

The documents in question state that most players have a job, a school, a child to look after or a different occupation. Sony points out that not everyone has hours of “inactivity” to devote to gaming.

For people in such a situation they started how long the mission will take Stating that it will be important to know or know how to get around from a point where they get stuck in the business, the company says the Events feature is intended for these situations. In other words, with the Events feature, Sony aims to ensure that those who don’t have hours to play can play single player games.

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As mentioned above, the Events function is watching long gameplay footageaims to anticipate them by running from one end of the map to the other for the mission. So, a person who wants to play a little game before going to bed or whenever he finds a gap can go straight to the game.

Another key feature of the events feature is for players. duration of the content to give information on. For example; When you hover over a game’s mode or timesheet from the events menu, the sheet shows how long it will take and information about the activity or mode. So you can know if you have enough time to complete the task.


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However, it should be noted that the Events feature is not one of the PS5’s default features and the game studios issue their own Events cards if they wish. So, if a game studio wants you to do all tasks in order and watch game footage, you can use the Events feature. It won’t help alone.


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