The official of the Ministry of Health was infected by informing citizens that he had contracted Corona with the virus


Abdullah Abu Deif

Dr. Jalal Al-Shishini, deputy director of the 100 Million Health Campaign, has been infected with the emerging corona virus, as the virus was passed on to him during the exercise of his work during which he informs citizens of the infection with the virus.

And Dr. Jalal Al-Shishini is one of the keenest efforts of the Ministry of Health and Population, as he was the first officer at the beginning of the emerging Corona virus crisis to inform citizens of the positive I tested from the analysis against the virus.

On his Facebook page, Al-Shishini posted a post in which he said, “Oh God, who to restore health to the patient and answer the plea of ​​the miserable, heal every patient. O God, or harsh laxative, or iron laxative, or indulging in intimidation, take our patients out of the throat of anguish to the broadest path, and there is no strength or power but in Almighty God.

A pregnant mother and a wife who did not leave her husband. Stories of citizens who have been told by the “Ministry of Health” that they have been infected by Corona

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