The new Cyberpunk 2077 trailer reveals the details we were missing


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Image: CD project

Even though we have known this every time for over a year hasS. pros and cons from Cyberpunk 2077, the game which promises to be the new hit of CD Projekt RED later The Witcher 3, we still lacked to know various details of the plot and its playability. But a lot of our big doubts were resolved after seeing the two new trailers it released the company a few hours ago.

The first of them was commissioned from present at Johnny Silverhand, the character he will play Keanu Reaves. For the first time we know what role the actor plays in the story of Cyberpunk 2077. A rockerterrorist dead that exists only in our head thanks to a brain implant? We want to know much more about it.

The other trtrailer, 5-minute action packed gameplay, reveals some aspects of the gameplay of this huge open world game. In addition to sharing the details of how will exploration, combat or the taking of decisions, mashed potato give some brush strokes storyline, such as the background of the story or your goal in the game.

If everything goes well –and this with Cyberpunk 2077 is already a lot to suppose– the game will be released on December 10 for PS4, Xbox One, PC and Stadia, and soon after it will arrive on the latest generation consoles.


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