In recent cryptocurrency mining news, Bitfury announced a "suite" of products powered by the company's new mining chip, a botnet that hunts and destroys XMR malware has been discovered by security researchers and Soluna announced that the construction of its Moroccan wind farm will begin in January
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Bitfury announces new extraction hardware [19659005] Rounding: new Bitfury chip, Discovery of the anti-encryption Botnet ” width=”300″ height=”188″ srcset=”https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/shutterstock_772745524-300×188.jpg 300w, https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/shutterstock_772745524-768×481.jpg 768w, https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/shutterstock_772745524-696×436.jpg 696w, https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/shutterstock_772745524-671×420.jpg 671w, https://news.bitcoin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/shutterstock_772745524.jpg 1000w” sizes=”(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px”/> The Bitfury group in San Francisco has launched a "new suite of hardware for bitcoin mining", powered by its latest ASA SHA-256 mining chip, the Clarke Bitfury.
According to the company's website, Bitfury Clarke "can perform a hashrate of up to 120 gigahashes per second (GH / s) and an energy efficiency rate of up to 55 millijoules per gigahash (mJ / GH) . "
The company's CEO Valery Vavilov said: "Bitfury is examining all factors, including silicon packaging, chip efficiency, optimal energy distribution, projects cooling and development speed when designing our mining hardware. "
Botnet has discovered that it hunts and destroys the malware of data mining
Fbot, a botnet that tracks and destroys an XMR malware based on Android , was recently discovered by security researchers at Qihoo 360 Netlab. [19659006] The researchers say that "the sole purpose of this botnet seems to be to look for and remove another botnet com.ufo.miner" and note that "the bot seems to have strong links with the botnet satori original."
"The bot does not use traditional DNS to communicate with C2, instead, it uses the DNS blockchain to resolve the non-musical name C2 musl.lib," the researchers added.
Construction of the Moroccan wind farm in Comme in January
Brookstone Partners – founded the bitcoin mining company, Soluna, announced January 2019 as the start date of construction of the first 36 megawatts of turbines in its wind farm in Dakhla, a disputed territory that is currently administered by Morocco.
The wind farm, announced for the first time in July, will be used to fuel mining cryptocurrency operations, with the company also announcing its intention to sell excess energy to the Moroccan electricity grid through Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) . [19659006] John Belizaire, CEO of Soluna, said: "Morocco has a law in force that effectively guarantees a PPA for energy suppliers, we will start from this and we will go on from there", observing that the Moroccan law "allows the Moroccan government to buy up to 20 percent of our excess power."
"Depending on our future capabilities, we could engage with the largest off-market trading space in the country and beyond to buy our power ", added Belizaire.
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