The nerve in his hand was forever destroyed due to COVID-19


A father affected by the virus will never recover full use of his left hand again due to the way he was positioned during the 15 days he spent in a coma.

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By the time he came out of his coma in mid-April, Georges Aguiar had lost 40% of his muscle mass, had difficulty breathing and had arrhythmia.

A 47-year-old health worker in Deux-Montagnes then had to relearn how to walk as his legs were no longer able to carry him. Not to mention the constant fatigue that reached every effort.

“I was hoisted for a week. I couldn’t believe I was at this level. I didn’t recognize my body, “he says.

And he had to use a walker for a few days after he was released from the hospital.

Six months later, in addition to persistent cardiac arrhythmia, neurological tests confirmed damage to his ulnar nerve, located along the forearm, which will affect the use of his left hand.

This permanent sequel would have been caused by the improper positioning of his hand when placed on his stomach when he was in a coma, along with his rather heavy weight.

However, Mr. Aguiar believes this situation could have been avoided had it been taken seriously as soon as he started experiencing symptoms similar to those associated with COVID-19 today.

“My eyes were red, then I started having a sore throat, diarrhea and intense fever,” recalls the 40-year-old.

Three times in as many days, he contacted the COVID line in vain, he said.

“On the fourth day, I was too weak to even speak, so I called the ambulance. They assured me I had COVID and asked me why I hadn’t been tested before. It wasn’t until I could argue that they took me seriously, ”complains Mr. Aguiar.

After two days in intensive care, the doctor went to see him to tell him to call his family because he was about to be intubated and would be in a coma.

“He said to me: ‘You have 30 minutes to say goodbye to your family because I’m not sure you’ll wake up.’ I hit him like a punch in the face, ”remembers the father of a 7-year-old boy and a 10-year-old girl.

He woke up two weeks after being immersed in a life-saving artificial coma.

Georges Aguiar in intensive care in April, a week after waking from a 15-day coma.

Courtesy photo

Georges Aguiar in intensive care in April, a week after waking from a 15-day coma.

In full hallucination, he even removed the tubes that allowed him to breathe a few hours before, under the astonished gaze of the nurses. It wasn’t until a week later, when he became completely lucid, that his doctor told him about his feat.

And after a hospitalization that ultimately lasted a month, she was allowed to leave the hospital the day before her son’s birthday, May 2020.

Georges Aguiar | 47 years old

  • Hospitalized one month
  • In a coma and intubated for 15 days
  • I had to learn to walk again
  • He can no longer use his left hand properly
  • Now he has a heart arrhythmia


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