The ministry has finally decided: Covid positive but asymptomatic caregivers can remain in office


Although each institution has so far established its own rules, an education distributed to hospital and nursing home directors is bringing some order. But the retention of asymptomatic “non-replaceable” caregivers is confirmed.

“It is inconceivable that the same rules that we ask of all citizens are not applied for a hospital operator who would be affected by Covid”, the mayor of LR of Nice, Christian Estrosi, was reported at the end of September, informed of the maintenance of positive and asymptomatic caregivers in the establishments of the city. Since then the epidemic has grown and the situation has become trivial. Nevertheless, voices have been raised to ask the ministry for clarification. In fact, until now the facilities have based their human resources policy on an opinion of the High Council of Public Health, dated May 23, which recommended the evacuation of positive caregivers for 7 days, while admitting the “degraded possibility of a maintenance on duty with enhanced precautionary and hygienic measures “, for” non-replaceable “personnel. The shortage of staff requires, the “chance” has become the norm.

Now is the rule. The instruction issued Friday evening to the directors of hospitals, nursing homes and Samu by the director of DGOS Katia Julienne and the director of Health Jérôme Salomon, specifies that any positive caregiver must be isolated for 7 days after the test result or the appearance of the symptoms … while allowing for the retention of “asymptomatic and non-replaceable personnel,” he reveals publication.

On the other hand, it is no longer a question of leaving symptomatic caregivers in charge. Regarding contact cases, they can continue to work, except in the event of symptoms or “if there is a doubt about the caregiver’s ability to comply with barrier measures to avoid contamination of patients or other healthcare professionals.” institution “. They must therefore be isolated without waiting for the test result.

Also interested interns and health students

These rules also apply to medical interns and students. In a statement released on Monday, the National Intersyndicale des Interns (Isni) and the National Federation of Pharmacy and Medical Biology Interns Unions (FNSIP-BM) denounce “a short-term vision, beyond any health logic” and ask the ministry to back down. Unions report that since the HCSP opinion, several scientific publications “have demonstrated a significant risk of nosocomial SARS-CoV-2 infections”. “We cannot accept that we are the source of patient contamination,” they insist. They recall that trainees “are not theoretically essential for the functioning of the services” and that if one of them proves positive, a more experienced and non-infected professional must be requested to ensure continuity of care.


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