The maternal uncle of the injured child hangs a sign in Aswan: his health is worsening .. and the health officer responds


Mohamed Salah, uncle of child Abdel Rahman, who fell while hanging one of the signs, said he works in that profession to help his family, noting that eyewitnesses said he was electrocuted by one of the light poles and fell to the ground. , pointing out that his health is deteriorating day by day And this baby is the only child of his parents.

For his part, Dr. Mohamed El-Sayed, a health officer of Kom Ombo, Aswan Governorate, said during a telephone intervention on the ninth program broadcast on Egyptian Channel One and presented by journalist Wael El-Ibrashy, that the child Abdel-Rahman came to the Combo Hospital several days ago and during the work of some tests it was found that he had a cut in the spinal cord led to quadriplegia, indicating that when he entered the hospital he was suffering from a respiratory infection, which led to intensive care , and when his condition worsened, he was transferred to Aswan University Hospital for some tests and is currently in intensive care at Kom Ombo Hospital.


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