The life expectancy of Israelis with HIV? – IsraelValley


The HIV incidence rate in Israel is 4.3% per 100,000 population. Down from the previous year when it was 4.8%. A rather encouraging indicator. The number of newly infected this year has decreased by 11% compared to last year in most risk groups. 380 versus 425.

This decrease can be explained by the more widespread use of PrEP treatments, which prevents the HIV virus from developing and attaching itself as soon as it enters the body.

At the same time, there is a drastic reduction in the death rate among HIV carriers and AIDS patients. If 70 deaths were recorded in 1994, this figure drops to 20 in 2019. Indeed, the life expectancy of Israelis with HIV, diagnosed early and treated regularly, is similar to the life expectancy of people living without the virus. .

There are officially 7,970 HIV-positive people in Israel, but according to the Ministry of Health, there are nearly 9,200, including gay men. However, there is still room for improvement in reducing the level of morbidity. On the occasion of World Day, the authorities launch an appeal in particular to groups at risk: “go and take the test and adopt more responsible sexual behavior! “

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