The Kodi 19 Matrix can now be tested! Its first beta has arrived


Considered to be one of the best media centers today, Kodi has evolved very steadily over the years. With each new version there are improvements that make it even more capable of giving users what they need.

With a new version to be developed, news was expected soon. These have now arrived, with the launch of the first beta of version 19. The Kodi Matrix is ​​now available and can be tested by everyone.

Kodi Matrix beta news

The Kodi 19 Matrix has arrived

Since the end of July it is known that Kodi has a new version to prepare. Like all other versions, this one will go through several stages of testing and evaluation, to be free of problems and defects.

After some rougher test versions revealing the start of development, the Kodi 19 has now reached an important stage. We are talking about the first beta that has been launched for all those who want to test what is being prepared.

Beta version for testing

As revealed, version 19 of Kodi is mainly focused on improving its overall performance. Much of the code has been rewritten and then optimized. In particular, this beta version aims to ensure that all code can be used correctly.

Some general improvements are prepared and that this version will have in its final version. We are talking about the arrival of the AV1 codec, one of the most promising, supported by large Internet companies and with the advantage of being free and with a great compression quality.

Kodi Matrix beta news

Lots of news coming

One major change that Kodi 19 will bring is the change to Python 3. This change is due to the end of support for the previous version, so it's essential. The difference here will be in the add-ons available.

Of course, the Kodi 19 Matrix will continue to be developed and improved. In the coming months, many new features will appear, in the various versions that are presented, always a step forward towards the final version.

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