The image of an American doctor hugging an elderly person with COVID-19 is spreading


Houston (USA): A photo showing a doctor wearing a COVID-19 protective suit hugging an elderly patient on Thanksgiving has done a lot on the internet and has become a symbol of the feelings of despair between the victims of the epidemic and the humanity of the members of the processing staff.

The photo was taken Thursday, Thanksgiving Day, when American families gather, inside the United Memorial Hospital in Houston, Texas, by a photographer from Getty Images.

“I was in the Covid unit and I saw this elderly patient outside his bed trying to leave, crying,” said Dr. Joseph Farron, head of the hospital’s intensive care unit.

The doctor added, “I went over and asked him why he was crying, and he replied,” I want to be with my wife. “Then I hugged him. He cried a little, but his condition improved and has stopped crying. “

Varun stressed that he was unaware of a photographer perpetuating this scene, noting that he felt “sorry” for the patient and was “very sad like him”.

The doctor explained that working in the hospital’s Covid-19 patient treatment unit is “difficult”, especially for elderly patients who feel lonely, talking about some patients trying to flee because “they felt isolated and wanted to leave. “.

Varun indicated that the patient’s health condition has improved significantly and that he can now be discharged from the hospital before the end of the week.


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