The husband of “Popcorn” is shocked by the attack on Cristina Ferreira


Ricardo Martins Pereira, husband of “Pipoca”, is shocked by what he says is a “pure exercise in personal aggression” against Cristina Ferreira.

Worried, as can be seen in the various publications he published on Instagram, is the cover of a magazine in which Cristina Ferreira is highlighted. It is still possible to read, in bold, “Cristina: wars, power and fall“. So, there are still some notes like “megalomaniac“,”superstitious” and this “always smiles in public, but yells and insults collaborators“.

Ricardo Martins Pereira could not remain indifferent to this cover. According to him, it certainly is “making many good journalists who work there blush with shame“And that says he knows.”The cover calls referring to Cristina Ferreira are a pure exercise in personal attack, vile, vindictive and without the slightest intention of trying to inform“, Criticized.

I have always had a professional admiration for Cristina, for her career, for everything she has accomplished, just as I manage to have a critical position on things she has done and that I don’t like or that I think have not been achieved. This is called being professional“, has continued.

I have always had a warm and friendly professional relationship with Cristina. Nothing has ever moved me against her, even though I feel some people think so. This cover effectively shows what it’s like to use the power of a magazine to try to destroy a person’s image“, Added the husband of ‘Pipoca’.

Finally, he also recalled that the media that drafted this attack on Cristina Ferreira belong to Cofina, the same group that attempted to buy TVI and failed (see the following images).

Read also: Cristina Ferreira shares the video of the new program: “The biggest stage in the world”

Ana Garcia Martins, The Sweetest Popcorn, Family, Husband, Daughters
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