the Hubble telescope has captured an unusual glow in a distant galaxy that cannot be explained


In May of this same 2020, there was an immense explosion of gamma rays that emitted extraordinary energy and was seen with Hubble.

The mythical and renowned telescope Hubble he is about to terminate his “contract” and does not intend to “renew”. In 2021 it will close its operations, but it will be operational until its last day of work. With just over 30 years of hard work, the space telescope has captured a mysterious glow. It happened in a very distant galaxy and scientists are unable to explain what it is.

Months ago Hubble captured a gamma-ray burst that originated throughout the universe. So the scientists went to other observatories to record more details of the event. Said explosion. Slash Gear review, it emitted virtually impossible energy.

This released energy exceeds what our Sun would be able to release in its 10 billion years of life. Explosions eventually occur which release large amounts of energy throughout the universe.

However, it released 10 times more energy than expected. And this could be recorded thanks to the performance of Hubble.


What the Hubble record could follow

“The findings have challenged conventional theories of what happens after a brief gamma-ray burst. Scientists believe there is a possibility that the observations point to the birth of a massive and highly magnetized neutron star called a magnetar,” they said. said the scientists. , according to the aforementioned site.

Without the presence of Hubble as a useful tool for astronomers, it would not have been the same. They claim that what they recorded would have been the same as any other gamma-ray burst seen previously.

In the end they said the most mysterious thing that happens with this phenomenon. They claim that in an unusual way they can see light across the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Then, as more data arrives, an image is formed of the mechanism that produced the light or brightness observed by the Land.


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