The harmful effects of sitting all day offset by just 30 minutes of daily physical activity, WHO says


SYDNEY – The war on sitting has intensified in recent years. Some experts consider being glued to a chair all day as “the new smoke” and can even take years from your life. But if you have no choice due to the demands of an office job, you can still undo the damage from a sedentary lifestyle. People can avoid premature death by offsetting the harmful effects of prolonged sitting by simply increasing their exercise regimen, health experts say.

New research shows that adults who increase the amount of physical activity can reduce the risk of death to the equivalent of spending a very low amount of time sitting. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that 150 to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, or 70 to 100 minutes of vigorous exercise per week, are sufficient to reduce the risks of sedentary behavior.

You don’t even need a gym membership to reap these benefits. Anything physical counts for moderate physical activity – taking the stairs, doing housework, walking around the block, or even gardening. More strenuous exercise includes activities such as running, swimming, or team sports.

From climbing stairs to dancing, any exercise can reduce the damage caused by sitting

For their study, the researchers asked more than 44,000 people to wear activity trackers and found that those who sat for more than 10 or more hours saw a significantly increased risk of death. However, 30 to 40 minutes of daily physical activity is enough to reduce the risk. Even if people don’t reach the recommended amount, according to the guidelines, everything is better than nothing.

“These new global guidelines emphasize the importance of all people being active and recognize that every movement counts for better health and well-being, whether it is climbing stairs or even cleaning the house,” says Emmanuel Stamatakis, professor at The University of Sydney chaired the WHO Guidelines Development Group, in a statement.

Increasing global health would increase world gross domestic product by between 0.15% and 0.24% per year between now and 2050, the researchers estimate. It is worth up to $ 314 to $ 446 billion annually and $ 6 to $ 8.6 trillion cumulatively over 30 years at 2019 prices.

“Although the new guidelines reflect the best science available, there are still some gaps in our knowledge,” Stamatakis notes. “We are not yet clear, for example, where exactly the ‘sitting too much’ bar is. But this is a hectic field of research and we hope to have some answers in a few years. “

No excuses, not even in the COVID era

Stamatakis says the findings are particularly significant as COVID-19 continues to ravage the planet. “These guidelines are very timely, as we are in the midst of a global pandemic that has confined people indoors for long periods and encouraged an increase in sedentary behavior,” he says. “But people can still protect their health and offset the harmful effects of physical inactivity. As these guidelines point out, all physical activity counts and any amount of it is better than nothing. There are many indoor options that don’t require a lot of space or equipment, such as climbing stairs, actively playing with children or pets, dancing or yoga or pilates classes online. “

The authors also note that just over a quarter of adults (27.5%) worldwide and eight out of ten teenagers do not meet recommendations for aerobic exercise. They say it’s all the more reason for governments to put in place national exercise initiatives.

The results are published in British Journal of Sports Medicine.

SWNS writer Joe Morgan contributed to this report.

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