The “Get tested despite imprisonment” alerts organized cancer screening in Vienne


Screening is key to fighting cancer, not putting off appointments. This is the appeal launched by Santé Publique France and disseminated by all health professionals across the country, including the regional coordination center for cancer screening in New Aquitaine. Last spring during the first birth cancellations and postponements of exams they have already put the situation to the test. If this happens again during this second birth, the situation will become very worrying, specialists say.

In France, an estimated 30,000 cancers have not been diagnosed due to a slowdown in screening.

The number of mammograms decreased by 25% in Vienne

“There were fewer screening mammograms and fewer immunoassays performed for colorectal cancer screening.”explains Dr Caroline Tournoux-Facon, coordinating physician for organized cancer screening in Vienne. Until September, according to her, there is a 25% drop in the number of mammograms in Vienne and a 15% decrease in the number of immunological tests.

People went less to their primary care doctors to collect their immunoassays

This decrease is explained, according to her, during the first, confinement to the fact that radiologists had for instructions “to give priority to the proceedings (…) screening mammograms were therefore suspended for about two months, so women were unable to access the screening centers”, details the doctor.

“Likewise, people went less to their primary care doctors to collect their immunoassays.”, a test to be done in both after collecting the kit.

For this second imprisonment the situation is different but the risk of postponing screening is always present. “We must tell women who do not hesitate to respect appointments that they are not afraid to go to radiology centers to perform this mammogram (…) it is an extremely important exam.”, Caroline Tournoux-Facon alert.

Prevention, screening is a very effective weapon in the fight against cancer – Caroline Tournoux-Facon

He fears that some women will “discourage” in the face of delays in scheduling appointments with the postponements of the first hospitalization. “We don’t have to tell ourselves” I’ll do it next year, it doesn’t matter “(…) Prevention, screening is a very effective weapon in the fight against cancer.”

For all people between the ages of 50 and 74, every two years

Identify cancer as early as possible to avoid severe forms as much as possibleis the watchword. “We do not prevent cancer by doing these screening acts but we detect it as soon as possible, we detect it in the early stages that allow treatments that are less heavy, more effective and therefore with better survival. It is therefore very important. To undergo these exams at a regular pace, therefore we invite all people between the ages of 50 and 74 to take these tests every two years “, Caroline Tournoux-Facon insists.

According to her, the fact that the Frenchwoman’s morale is at a minimum also affects the delays in screenings. “When people are concerned about complex socio-economic situations, prevention often takes a back seat “, observe, but remind us that getting treatment early also protects your work.

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