The former Minister of Health explains the difference between Pfizer and Moderna vaccines


Dr. Ashraf Hatem, a former Minister of Health and a member of the Higher Committee on Hepatitis Viruses, said that subsequent announcements of potential vaccines, starting with Pfizer and ending with the American Moderna Company today, have nothing to do with it. to do with the US elections, but rather represent a natural development of the clinical trials these companies have been working on for some time.Especially that there are about 7 types of potential vaccines, which will begin to be announced by the end of 2020.

He added during a phone call to the “Final Word” program on TVABOVEWith journalist Lamis El Hadidy, that within a week or two at the latest, AstraZeneca will announce the “Oxford” vaccine, as well as another American vaccine and 2 in China, in addition to the two Russian vaccines.

He explained that all of this is a natural result of the clinical trials that have taken place over the past six months, revealing that the difference between the two vaccines, Pfizer and our potential moderators, is not great, but rather they are very similar in that they are a typology. fax number called “RNA Vaccines, which is a type of fax that is used for the first time and works on the same DNA, but the difference is that the modern vaccine stimulates the body’s immunity to resist faxes, and is used twice the first, followed by the second within 28 days, but the problem with the Pfizer vaccine is in Storage ways, as it requires very low cold temperatures of minus 70, a temperature that will face a major problem in the transportation process.

He said that for the Moderna vaccine, it depends on a taste that is stored at a temperature of 2-8 degrees Celsius and can be stored in the normal refrigerator. Therefore, the Moderna vaccine has preference in the transport process, and therefore it is expected. which will be much better than the Pfizer vaccine.

The American company “Moderna” announced Monday that an experimental vaccine against the Corona virus has been shown to be more than 94 percent effective. If this level of effectiveness proves the same in the population as a whole, it will be one of the most effective vaccines in the world, similar to the measles vaccine which is 97% effective in two doses, according to the U.S. Centers for Prevention and Control. of diseases.


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