The first rapid home test to detect Corona infection


News of the Corona virus, which celebrated its first year since its first case was detected on November 17 last year, is accelerating in China.

And with it, the efforts of researchers and scientists to find an effective vaccine that protects millions of people around the world from infection with the new Corona virus are accelerating, with the remarkable success of most vaccines currently in full swing. .

Another obsession that some people suffer from is the Corona screening test, which may take some time to get the result. But good news came from the United States of America, after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a permit to use a home self-test to detect Coronavirus infection which can give quick results in emergency situations.

A home test detects Coronavirus infection

The test is called “Lucira COVID-19 All-In-One Test Kit” Developed by “Sierra Health” It is a prescription-only, single-use molecular test for coronavirus self-diagnosis, according to the CNN website, citing the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

According to the relevant department, the home rapid test uses molecular amplification to detect the virus in people infected or suspected of having Covid-19 disease. Results can be obtained within 30 minutes.

“Although home-collected diagnostic tests for Covid-19 have previously been approved, this is the first fully self-administered test capable of providing results at home,” said Dr Stephen Hahn, Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration of the United States in a statement on the new test.

How the rapid home test works to detect Corona infection

The home test is based on nasal swab samples that you collect and can be used for individuals 14 years of age and older or for people who have suspected coronavirus infection.

People under the age of 13 can use the Quick Home Test provided it is examined by a healthcare professional.

The new self-test includes a sterile swab, sample vial, test unit, batteries, and plastic bag. The sample collected from the nasal swab is placed into the vial, which is subsequently inserted into the test unit, where it is analyzed.

As for the results, they are displayed through the test unit by changing the colors of the LED screen indicators, as stated by the Food and Drug Administration, which has authorized the use of this test also in healthcare settings such as medical clinics, hospitals, first aid centers and first aid for all ages. Collected by a healthcare professional.

Beware of a quick home test

According to Han, the new test is an important diagnostic option in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, but at the same time it has encouraged health experts to pay attention.

“The data is still emerging, but it is imperative to pay attention to what the Food and Drug Administration provides in light of some previous emergency use permits,” Tom Pollecky, director of the Global Health Program and senior fellow, told CNN. for global health, economics and development at the Council on Foreign Relations. .

But he added that the rapid home test is a promising sign, with the possibility that the home test could help the United States return to normal soon. And if we had the ability to determine viral load every day, that would help maintain the safety and security of others, according to Puliki.

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