The first and most inconspicuous symptom of COVID-19 called – Rambler / doctor


A group of Spanish scientists managed to find that in a patient with coronavirus, one of the symptoms manifests itself earlier than other manifestations of the infection. Details of the study are available on the medRxiv prepress site.

According to experts, a patient with a coronavirus has dryness and discomfort in the nose even before losing the ability to smell and taste food.

About 80% of patients with a positive test for COVID-19 notice a change or complete loss of smell and taste. Scientists believe that the loss of smell in the coronavirus is due to the goblet cells stop secreting mucus, which is necessary for odor molecules (substances responsible for odors). And they simply cannot attach to the right receptors.

Previously, Rambler wrote that Rospotrebnadzor named the most formidable symptom of COVID-19.
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