the figures of the epidemic, which countries are most affected? Table and info


Coronavirus in the world: the numbers of the epidemic, which countries are most affected?  Table and info

Many countries have taken restrictive measures in an effort to stem the coronavirus epidemic. Let’s take stock of the situation country by country, Covid-19 data and the trend of the vaccine.

[Mis à jour le 23 novembre 2020 à 16h24] More than 56.8 million cases and 1.36 million deaths have been officially registered around the world since the start of the pandemic, according to a report compiled by AFP on Friday. Pending the arrival of vaccines, new restrictions are imposed every day everywhere to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

Canada’s largest city, Toronto, and most of its suburbs will be “locked” from Monday. In the United States, the epidemic is in an “exponential” phase, with over 197,000 new cases and 1,800 deaths in the 24 hours on Friday. The day before, the country had deplored more than 2,200 deaths in one day, a threshold that had not been reached for months. Northern Irish people will be locked up for another two weeks, while pubs and restaurants in different parts of Scotland have closed their doors on Friday night for three weeks.

The Center for Global Development has calculated that rich countries have already reserved 1.1 billion doses of the future vaccine from Pfizer / BionTceh, one of the most advanced, out of an announced total of 1.3 billion doses produced annually. The next.

We invite you to consult our simplified table of coronavirus in the world which contains the figures of the number of cases, new cases, number of deaths and new deaths in the 40 countries most affected by the coronavirus. Then find the situation in Europe and in the world.

Statistics of the countries most affected by the coronavirus on the evening of 22 November 2020 (source: Worldometers)

Pay Name of the house New cases Number of deaths New deaths
1 United States 12.589.088 +137.010 262.701 +871
2 Inde 9,140,312 +44.404 133,773 +510
3 Brazil 6,071,401 +18.615 169.197 +181
4 France 2,140,208 +13.157 48.732 +214
5 Russia 2,089,329 +24.581 36.179 +401
6 Spain 1,589,219 42,619
7 UK 1,512,045 +18.662 55.024 +398
8 Italy 1,408,868 +28.337 49,823 +562
9 Argentine 1,370,366 +4.184 37.002 +100
10 Colombia 1,248,417 +7.924 35,287 +183
11 Mexico 1,032,688 +6.719 101,373 +550
12 Peru 949.670 +1.589 35,595 +46
13 Germany 932.111 +13.840 14,343 +104
14 Poland 861.331 +18.467 13,618 +330
15 Iran 854.361 +13.053 44,802 +475
16 South Africa 767.679 +2.270 20.903 +58
17 Ukraine 624.744 +12,079 10.951 +138
18 Belgium 556.904 +3.224 15,522 +170
19 kilos 540,640 +1.497 15,069 +39
20 Iraq 535.321 +1.766 11,958 +33
21 Indonesia 497.668 +4.360 15,884 +110
22 Czech Republic 492.263 +1.513 7,196 +101
23 Holland 484.648 +5.388 8,891 +21
24 Bangladesh 447.341 +2.060 6,388 +38
25 turkey 446.822 +6.017 12,358 +139
26 Philippines 418.815 +1.965 8.123 +43
27 Romania 418.645 +5.837 10,047 +131
28 Pakistan 374.173 +2.665 7,662 +59
29 Saudi Arabia 355.258 +224 5,780 +19
30 Canada 330.503 +4.792 11,455 +49
31 Israel 328.918 +521 2,799 +42
32 Morocco 324.941 +3.979 5,316 +60
33 Suisse 290,601 4,056 +25
34 Portugal 260,758 +4.788 3,897 +73
35 Austria 247.188 +5.226 2,388 +60
36 Nepal 220.308 +1.669 1,321 +16
37 Sweden 208,295 6.406
38 Ecuador 185,643 +767 13.201 +62
39 Jordan 183,429 +5.268 2,236 +64
40 Hungary 174,618 +4.320 3,800 +111


In Germany, Angela Merkel warned that the holiday season, especially Christmas, would be reduced to limited family gatherings. Germany “faces difficult months”, observed the Chancellor, comparing the pandemic to “an event that occurs only once a century”. Restaurants, bars, cafes but also all cultural and sports institutions had to close their doors on Monday for the next four weeks, causing some discontent among the population.

In Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel has put in place a “limited prison” for a period of one month. This announcement was made on Wednesday, November 28th. From Monday 2 November all professional sports competitions will take place behind closed doors. To support businesses affected by the closures, the German government has announced the arrival of an emergency aid program of up to 10 billion euros.

Belgium, the country in the world where the coronavirus circulates the most, also entered a second six-week confinement on Monday. Effective from November 2 and at least until December 13, this new imprisonment leaves room for new rules including a postponement of the beginning of the school year and the obligation to telework when possible. Teleworking is mandatory where possible and non-essential shops are closed. However, florists and booksellers could open.

On Thursday 29 October, Spanish parliamentarians voted in favor of extending the state of emergency to Spain for six months. Pedro Sanchez’s government received 194 votes out of 350. At the same time, the Spanish government announced the establishment of a night curfew from 11pm to 6am across the country except the Canary Islands, with the possibility for 5pm. regions of the country to anticipate or delay the start and end of an hour, depending on local characteristics.

Wearing a mask is mandatory for anyone over the age of 6, on public transport, in public spaces or in places open to the public, including hotels and shops, when a distance of one meter and fifty is not possible between two people. Any passenger wishing to travel to Spain by plane must fill in a personal and non-transferable form: once this form has been completed and signed, the traveler will receive a QR code associated with his trip which he must keep on his mobile phone or print in order to pass the airport health check.

In Italy, on Friday until December 3, the national curfew goes into effect from 10pm to 5am. High schools are switching to distance learning and museums are closed, as are shopping malls on weekends. In addition, new “red areas” – Lombardy, Piedmont, Valle d’Aosta and Calabria – have been declared “high risk” and 16 million Italians are returning to confinement, albeit lighter than those of last spring. Monday 16 November, l‘Italy launched a new experiment in Veneto (north-eastern Italy): do-it-yourself Covid-19 test. 5000 kitself-test will be tested in a hospital setting, Courrier International reports.

In Portugal, the curfew, implemented from 11 pm on weekdays, is applied from 1 pm on Saturdays and Sundays in more than one hundred Portuguese municipalities where about 70% of the ten million Portuguese live. Nearly 500 people protested against this measure on Saturday in central Lisbon.

In the UK, the most grieving country in Europe with nearly 47,000 dead, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the exile of England and its 56 million inhabitants starting Thursday 5 November. Shops deemed non-essential will have to close, while restaurants, pubs and cafes will only be able to offer deliveries or take-out. However, the schools will remain open. To allay concerns, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has promised that this reconfirmation will end on 2 December. “I sincerely hope that we can get this country back on track, reopen businesses and shops as Christmas approaches.” In Liverpool, authorities launched a massive screening program on Friday, seeing this pilot test as a possible way out of prison.

In the hope of “properly celebrating Christmas”, Ireland and Wales became the first territories to reconfigure their populations in Europe, hit by the second wave and forced to increase restrictions to combat Covid-19. In Ireland, the population has been reconfirmed since October 29 for six weeks, but schools will remain open. “If we get together for the next six weeks, we will have the opportunity to celebrate Christmas appropriately,” said Irish Prime Minister Michael Martin. Wales (3 million inhabitants) is confined for two weeks, the toughest measure introduced in the UK by the first wave of Covid-19 in spring. Non-essential businesses in Ireland and Wales will have to close.

To address the coronavirus and a potential second wave, Boris Johnson launched the “rule of six”. Meetings of more than six people indoors and outdoors will be prohibited. On the other hand, weddings, funerals, restaurants, pubs and schools are exempt from this future law. Failure to comply with this measure will result in offenders paying £ 100, which is equivalent to EUR 110. In the event of a repeat offender, they will be required to pay up to £ 3,200 or EUR 3,500.


US President-elect Joe Biden announced on Monday the establishment of a coronavirus crisis unit. In his first speech after the announcement of the US presidential election results, Democrat Joe Biden said that this future crisis unit, made up of scientists and experts, will be responsible for building a “plan that goes into effect on the 20th.” January 2021 “, the day of his inauguration. He therefore has the opposite point of view of his rival Donald Trump, who has always played down the pandemic.

The country has recorded more than 11 million cases of contamination according to data from Johns Hopkins University. Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has made new recommendations: urges residents to stay in their homes, limit their travel as much as possible, and have no guests, and cancel the traditional Thanksgiving holidays. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio urged parents to ” prepare“when schools close.


The French, the British, the Belgians, the Filipinos and the Indians are no longer allowed, with some exceptions, to go to China. A few hours later, on November 4 and 5, the websites of the Chinese embassies in London, Brussels and then Paris published a similar message: “Due to the Covid-19 epidemic, China has decided to temporarily suspend the entry into China of foreign citizens holding visas or residence permits (…) in the French Republic still valid at the time of this announcement. “While the coronavirus was first identified in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019, China appears to be in control of the epidemic. According to a latest score, China has registered only 36 new cases in the past 24 hours, of which 30 people arrived from abroad.

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