the exponential outbreak in the United States


Parents of the students gathered outside New York City Hall to protest school closures due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The coronavirus pandemic now exceeds 56 million cases worldwide, including approximately 1,350,000 deaths. After the United States, which has 252,419 deaths, the most affected countries are Brazil (168,061), India (132,162), Mexico (100,104) and the United Kingdom (53,274). Russia passed the two million case mark and recorded 34,850 deaths, with two new records for infections and daily deaths.

  • More than 200,000 new cases in 24 hours in the United States

In the United States, the epidemic is underway “Exponential”, according to health authorities. On Thursday, more than 200,000 new cases were recorded in 24 hours and more than 2,000 deaths, a limit that had not been exceeded for months. Americans have been urged not to travel for Thanksgiving, November 26, America’s largest family vacation, when attendance records are traditionally broken at airports and on the roads.

And across the country, local officials have had to decide to impose new restrictions to curb the spread of the virus. In California, about 94% of the population will be subject to a curfew starting Saturday, for a period of one month. The measure prohibits all travel “Not essential” between 10pm and 5am in the counties most affected by the coronavirus outbreak. “The virus is spreading at a speed never seen since the start of this pandemic and the days and weeks to come will be critical to halting this increase. We’re sounding the alarm “Governor Gavin Newsom warned.

On the other hand, President-elect Joe Biden has once again ruled out the hypothesis of national confinement.

  • Vaccines developed in record time are safe for Dr. Fauci

Immunologist Anthony Fauci, a highly respected scientific figure in the United States, assured Thursday that Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna’s vaccines against Covid-19, although developed in record time, were nonetheless safe. “The speed of the process did not compromise safety or scientific integrity”he said at a press conference with the White House Crisis Staff. “This is a reflection of the extraordinary scientific advances of this type of vaccine, which allowed us to do in the space of a few months what previously took years.”, He developed.

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Dr Fauci also wanted to reassure the independence of the vaccine development and certification process, which President Donald Trump has regularly promised during the campaign to arrive before the presidential election on November 3.

  • Mexico exceeds 100,000 dead

At least 100,000 people have died from Covid-19 in Mexico, where cases of contamination have exceeded one million, the country’s authorities announced Thursday.

“Today in Mexico, 100,000 people have lost their lives due to Covid-19”, said Hugo Lopez-Gatell, head of the government’s strategy to fight the epidemic.

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The country of 129 million people now has 100,104 deaths from 1,019,543 confirmed cases since the pandemic hit Mexico in late February, said José Luis Alomia, director general of epidemiology at the health ministry.

  • Over 9 million cases in India

The number of coronavirus cases in India now exceeds nine million, the second highest national total in the world after that of the United States, Indian health authorities announced Friday. The coronavirus has infected more than 9,004,000 people in India and killed 132,162, according to official Indian data. However, many experts believe that the actual figure is much higher, due to a relatively low number of tests.

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