The day George Clooney gathered 14 friends and gave each one a suitcase with a million dollars


The money, in cash, has significantly changed the lives of many who have been close to him and brought “good karma” to the actor, says one of the lucky ones.

In 2017, an old friend of George Clooney, Rande Gerber, told the media that, years earlier, the American actor had rounded up 14 of his closest friends and given each of them a briefcase with a million dollars in cash. . . Since then Clooney had never confirmed or denied the fact, until now, in a recent interview for GQ magazine, he revealed for the first time the background of what happened.

In September 2013, just before the premiere of his movie ‘Gravity’, Clooney was still single – he had just met his future wife, Amal -, he wasn’t a family and he felt that the most precious thing in his life were his friends. “I thought, what I have are these guys who have been helping me in one way or another, for 35 years. I slept on their couches and they lent me money when I was broke. They helped me when I needed help. over the years (…) I’ve been thinking, you know, without them I would have none of this“, he says.

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It was then that he came up with the idea of ​​suitcases with money, but the problem was get $ 14 million in paper money. As revealed by the protagonist of ‘Ocean’s Eleven’, he discovered a place in Los Angeles where they had “gigantic money stalls”. So, without telling anyone but a couple of security men, he took an old truck and drove into what looked like a warehouse. “I bought 14 suitcases and then I packed them [en cada una] a million dollars, which is not as heavy as you might think, “says the actor.

The next day, the Hollywood star invited his friends to a dinner at his house and after talking about how much they meant to him and thanking him for everything he had achieved for them he said: “How do you pay people this way? Oh well, how about a million dollars? “According to the story of Rande Gerber in 2017 – one of the lucky ones – each of those present opened the suitcase and was left in a” state of ‘shock’ “seeing the sum, distributed in $ 20 bills.

Gerber said Clooney paid taxes on the money, as an additional gift, and he wanted to reward them because he knew everyone had been through hard times and some were still struggling. Money was a sum that significantly changed the lives of many of them and brought them “good karma” to the actor, says his friend.

Coincidentally, after the noble deed, the artist’s financial situation improved, as “Gravity” ended up being a “great deal” for him. Clooney says that for that project they decided to pay the actors based on box office revenue percentages and the film was a success. On September 27, 2014, however, just one year after the gift to friends, he married Amal.

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