The creator of Telegram attacks the iPhone 12, comparing it to an older model


The creator of Telegram has recently taken almost extremist positions when it comes to Apple. He criticized the company in some key moments, following a whole wave of criticism in relation to some situations.

Now, and for no reason, he has focused his views on the new iPhone 12, comparing it with an old model and without any news. Apple was not spared and the criticism has also focused on this company.

Telegram iPhone 12 Apple Pavel Durov review

A critical opinion of Pavel Durov

The opinions of the creator of Telegram certainly tend to be strong and incisive. Pavel Durov does not hesitate to give his opinion on many issues related to the world of technology, as we have often had the opportunity to look at.

Apple has been one of its favorite targets and has always been criticized for its competitive practices. Pavel Durov tried to show that the Cupertino giant tends to protect its apps and services from what the competition offers.

iPhone 12 compared to an older model

Now, after receiving his iPhone 12 Pro, the creator of Telegram is back to give his opinion. This is not at all favorable and portrays the iPhone 12 mainly as "an incredibly strange piece of iron".

His opinion goes further and describes the new iPhone 12 as "a super sized version of the 2012 iPhone 5 with a disgusting main camera block, where the modules are at three different heights".

Telegram creator attacks Apple

It also complains about the presence of the notch, which gives it a low screen utility rate, thanks to this occupied space. In general, his opinion is that the iPhone 12 conveys an image of an obsolete device with few technical innovations.

Pavel Durov concludes his criticisms by focusing on Apple's management. Nine years after Steve Jobs died, the company thrives on the reputation it has built, but without recent innovations. It provides for example the recent drop in sales and predicts that in a few years the iPhone will have a marginal presence in the market.

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