The corona virus creates serious problems for those who survive the light. This aspect of the virus has never been examined before. Explanation of the name of the expert


Pointing out that people who survive the corona virus experience mildly severe emotional difficulties, Dr. Ayşim Kılıç Toker said: “People who survive the disease are experiencing severe emotional difficulties. First of all, we can call it fear of death, sickness or illness anxiety, “he said.

DHA– Kayseri City Hospital Infectious Diseases Clinical Microbiology Specialist Dr. Ayşin Kılıç Toker in people who have slightly survived corona virus disease severe emotional distress stated that it happened. Noting that there is a serious fear of death in people with the corona virus, Dr. Ayşin Kılıç Toker, “First of all, we can call it fear of death, sickness or illness anxiety. In the long run, boredom and nervousness that lasts for 2-3 weeks can be emotional mood changes that we see as a hospital experience. he used expressions.

Dr. Toker pointed out that people who have had mild illness experience emotional distress, “There are people who survive the disease slightly. But people who survive the disease experience severe emotional difficulties. First of all, we can say fear of death, illness or disease anxiety. Apart from that, the state of boredom and nervousness that lasts for 2-3 weeks in the long term it is the emotional feeling we see as a hospital experience. These people become more anxious if they are very careful and then they have the disease We have noticed that the picture is slower in people with a lot of knowledge and anxiety . he used expressions.

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