The compliments of Luisa Fernanda W to Pipe Bueno a few days after the birth


The hours for what Luisa Fernanda W.
giving birth to their son Massimo are getting closer and closer: the influencer has already reached 39 weeks of gestation and with a publication on social media has shown that not only does he feel anxious, but that fatigue is already taking its toll.

Despite this, she did not let slip how important the company of her partner, the singer Pipe Bueno, was to feel supported.

“Today we are 39 weeks old and the anxiety of meeting you is stronger every second. Pipe Bueno was unconditional with me on this beautiful stage, ”he wrote.

After the publication, Luisa Fernanda W received dozens of messages of support from her followers, some of which are mothers who remember their pregnancies.

“Divinosss, yes, almost, I had mine at 37 weeks, soon you will know true love and it is true what they say: one was born with them”, replied Ana Victoria Beltrán, remembered for her role as ‘Daniela’ in the television series Parents and Children.


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