The company working on a James Bond game


The company working on a James Bond game

The company working on a James Bond game

A certain company / game developer is working on a James Bond game that will tell the story of the secret agent’s origin. This would be the first game production in this franchise from 2012 to the present day. There are many people who say they are enthusiastic about the company’s project.

The day after he revealed he was working on a new project, IO Interactive, the company that develops the production of Hitman, revealed he was working on a James Bond game. Project 00, as it is currently called by the company, will delve into the origins of the secret agent.

In that game – it has an original story – you will try to get elite 00 status at the British Intelligence Service (MI6). IO Interactive does not provide any other information at this time.

Other than the reveal of the project, the classic image of Bond’s weapon, thematic music and a trailer no other things have appeared. It has not yet been revealed when the James Bond game might be released, but IO Interactive has said that Project 00’s James Bond game will arrive on modern systems and platforms.

Regardless of when it is released, it will be 007 Legends’ first official JB game production in 2012. Earlier this year, a group of GoldenEye 007 fans had to stop working on a remake of the classic Nintendo 64.

Instead, they develop an original James Bond game. However, IO Interactive seems like the right company for a JB game production. This is because the Hitman series is also about a secret agent who owns a lot of gadgets and disguises.

IO Interactive is hiring developers to build this exciting and unique game, so development may be in its early stages. What do you think about this? Do you think James Bond will suit Hitman?

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