The Colombian Football Association has no money or names to replace Carlos Queiroz


The coach of the Colombian football team, Carlos Queiroz, during a friendly match against Chile, José Rico Pérez stadium, Alicante, Spain, 12 October 2019. REUTERS / Javier Barbancho
The coach of the Colombian football team, Carlos Queiroz, during a friendly match against Chile, José Rico Pérez stadium, Alicante, Spain, 12 October 2019. REUTERS / Javier Barbancho

After the poor results obtained by the Colombian national team against Uruguay and Ecuador in the last qualifying round, various media have talked about the resignation of Carlos Queiroz and have even considered different names to replace the Portuguese as helmsman of the Colombian team.

But this Friday it became known that The FCF Executive Committee has no money or names to remove the technical director of the tricolor, despite the poor results.

Journalist Carlo Antonio Vélez referred, in his opinion column on Antena 2, to the position of Álvaro González, who at first was said to agree with Queiroz’s departure, but made it clear that this is not the case.

Vélez recounted the details of the meeting that took place last Thursday, November 19, and said there is not a single candidate to replace Queiroz, much less money for the compensation which would be $ 2 million.

“Yesterday, almost around 10 am, President (Ramón) Jesurún phoned his Vice President, Álvaro González and told him he had a meeting the night before with ‘the coach’. That they were talking about the situation, that ‘El Mister’ was sad, worried, downcast, but he wanted to continue ”.

According to the reporter, Álvaro González asked Jesurún if he had the replacement ready for what the leader said no.

Álvaro González tells Jesurún; – Ramón, and have you got the replacement ready? Because some assume that if we get out of this man we must have at least one situation on the track.

The Colombian national team is going through a serious economic situation due to the coronavirus pandemic, which has lowered sponsorships; the lack of matches with an audience in Barranquilla and the fines for the alleged responsibility of the managers and the Federation in the resale of tickets for the qualifiers for the 2018 World Cup in Russia.

This is what Vélez said after receiving information from the environment of González Alzate, who is vice president of the FCF for having been president of Dif Fútbol, ​​and who virtually met with president Ramón Jesurún and Fernando Jaramillo, who is president by Dimayor.

“The first thing González says, at 10 in the morning, to Ramón, is; – We have the money, do we have the replacement? -. Faced with two negative responses, he said; – Why don’t we take some time and talk? Let’s go through all those details and we’re not “staggering” – “said Vélez.

The communicator assured that after this speech, the president and vice-presidents met and decided that Queiroz should continue as the team’s coach, as there is currently no viable and economical alternative.

Vélez also assured that the FCC will not remove Queiroz unless he resigns …

It is not true that they talked to him to fix him, it is not true that they will pay him, it is not true that he resigned. I don’t know what could happen today, but until midnight it didn’t happen …

The journalist concludes his opinion column by stating that “Officially the Federation has not made contact with anyone. The position of Álvaro González is that of a Colombian coach, the only coach he has in mind is Reinaldo Rueda (…) As long as this Executive Committee is in the Federation, Osorio will not be a Colombian coach. They have an “old data” discrepancy. “

For now, there are no official statements from the Colombian Football Association or Carlos Queiroz on his future.

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