Blockchain education courses they are growing in popularity on university campuses around the world and the University of California will not be left out.
Today, three campuses of the University of California – UCLA, UC Santa Barbara and UC Davis – have announced a partnership with Blockchain MouseBelt Accelerator, a "full service" blockchain development and investment company. The plan calls for MouseBelt to help design, fund and conduct blockchain-based initiatives, each designed to provide students on these campuses with the tools they will need to pursue careers in the field.
"In the 90's, CS 101 was the most popular class in college. The auditoriums were full of enthusiastic students pursuing the new trend that promised well-paid jobs, "MouseBelt program director Ashlie Meredith said decrypt in an interview. "We believe the blockchain technology is ready to be the CS 101 for Generation Z."
The long-term vision of MouseBelt, Meredith explained, is to be a "comprehensive leader" in the blockchain industry, and much of that includes the cultivation of "a new generation of Internet users who choose privacy, autonomy, decentralization , ownership and security like mentality and philosophy, "he said.
But the problem is that the demand for blockchain education courses still exceeds the offer, according to Meredith. "Students are discarded due to well-paid job opportunities," he said.
MouseBelt hopes to help change it.
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On the three campuses of the University of California, the company plans to offer new courses, workshops and consulting forums for career seekers in the blockchain sector, as well as providing funding to those interested in developing their products and society.
Through its acceleration program, students can earn up to $ 100,000 to start their own blockchain activities, which MouseBelt provides in exchange for a small shareholding in successful projects.
The company is also seeking to provide finance to the engineering departments of UCLA, UC Davis and UCSB, so that students can gain direct laboratory and research experience. MouseBelt will invest $ 500,000 in student projects and another $ 500,000 directly into a blockchain-focused research fund.
Founded in January 2017, MouseBelt has already invested over $ 40 million in around 60 blockchain projects. His MouseBelt University initiative set up blockchain organizations for students in over 65 different colleges, including Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge.