The benefits of walking an hour each day, the physical exercise with which Anna Kendrick keeps fit


Her professional career began on Broadway and she was nominated for a Tony when she was only 12. At the age of 18 he started in the world of cinema, and with Up in the air, a comedy with touches of drama he did with George Clooney, earned an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actress.

He grew up with the three films Pitch perfect (Giving the note), where he showed us not only that he acts but also that he sings and dances. In 2018 she starred alongside Blake Lively a comic thriller, A little favorand this year he triumphed on HBO with a romantic series, Love life, that we fell in love.

Anna Kendrick is an overwhelming woman who loves trying new exercises to keep herself in top shape. She tried yoga, pilates or running and found walking to be the ideal exercise for her at this point in your life.

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The benefits of brisk walking

As stated in a magazine, walks help you “get better ideas” and clear your mind. Quick walks, especially in mountainous areas with level ups and downs, have numerous advantages. The first is that it keeps us active and is a completely accessible exercise for everyone. You don’t need extra material, just the right shoes and a lot of desire.

Like any aerobic exercise, fast walks begin with having benefits on your cardiovascular health– Activates blood circulation, improves lung capacity and improves blood pressure, for example.

Further, it lowers the risk of diabetes, improves cholesterol levels and is great exercise not only for the legs and buttocks, the main beneficiaries of this type of exercise, but also for the arms (which can accompany us in the movement to increase caloric expenditure) and for the core and specifically the abdomen, which is also involved in walking.

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This activity, much less harmful than running, will allow us according to Vitónica experts “Perform aerobic exercises in a safer and more sustainable way over time”.

In the case of Anna Kendrick, she does this business in a mountainous area of ​​Los Angeles, close to where she lives. Doing activity in nature can have a very positive impact on anxiety, depression or stress, according to this study. Any sport practice helps us to release endorphins and with walking we will also get that effect.

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To walk it helps us to activate the metabolism, to increase the burning of calories And, as we have already explained, it helps us prevent many diseases resulting from a sedentary lifestyle. The key, according to Vitónica experts, to turn this activity into a habit, is to gradually increase the intensity, both over time and in the speed of the strides. Walk for at least half an hour a day it is essential everyday.

Arek Adeoye Ljocgjs63sm Unsplash

Including obstacles will improve results, helping to burn more calories and activate more muscles. Walking in the countryside or in mountainous areas with different levels of incline are much more effective. If we walk around the city, don’t run away from the slopes or stairs.

An easy exercise for everyone with many more benefits than it may seem, and which keeps Anna Kendrick fit by practicing a simple aerobic exercise.

Photo | Instagram @annakendrick47, Arek Adeoye en Unsplash

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