The benefits of apples for the health of your body and skin


Apples are one of the most important fruit types preferred by many for their good taste and different colors. There are “red, green and yellow” apples. Apples have also been associated with many health benefits, including improving gut health and reducing the risk of stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. Obesity and some types of cancer “. .

According to Everydayhealth

The apple has many advantages, which are:

1: Apples Might Lower High Cholesterol and Blood Pressure

Studies have linked apple consumption to a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, which may be related to the cholesterol-lowering benefits of soluble fiber in apples.“.

2: Maintains the health of the digestive system

Apples contain a high amount of vitamins, nutrients and fiber that work to promote digestive health and protect it from ailments and infections.

Soluble fiber helps slow digestion, allowing you to feel full, and glucose digestion slows down, which helps control blood sugar. Meanwhile, insoluble fiber can help move food through your system and help with constipation.

3: Apples can support a healthy immune system

Apples contain a high amount of vitamins and nutrients that work to improve the health of the immune system and prevent diseases, viruses and infections.

4: Apples are a diabetes-friendly fruit

Diabetics are advised to always eat apples as they work to control blood sugar and reduce the risk of developing diabetes.Also, a study conducted on patients with type 2 diabetes published in August 2016 in Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine found that eating soluble fiber regularly Helps reduce insulin resistance and improve blood sugar and triglyceride levels.

5: Antioxidants in apples may play a role in cancer prevention

While there is no single safe way to prevent cancer, apples can play a role. Apples may reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, which researchers believe are related to the antioxidants in apples. Research indicates that apples contain a very high percentage of antioxidants and, in laboratory studies, these antioxidants have been shown to limit the growth of cancer cells..

6: Apples contain a high amount of vitamins and nutrients that work to promote skin health and freshness and prevent wrinkles and lines.


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