The baby was born with antibodies to Covid-19


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A 31-year-old Singaporean woman contracted the coronavirus during pregnancy. But she gave birth to a perfectly healthy baby with antibodies to the virus, Vice reports.

Céline Ng-Chan was ten weeks pregnant when she learned she was positive for Covid-19. He is said to have contracted the virus on a trip to Europe. A few months later, last November, she gave birth to a baby boy named Aldrin. In addition to being in excellent health, he also had antibodies to the virus. It is not known, however, whether they immunize him against the disease.

“Aldin’s pediatrician explained to me that my Covid-19 antibodies were gone, but that my son had them”, the 31-year-old mother explains to Vice. ” He suspects that I transferred my antibodies to him during pregnancy “, adds.

An ongoing study

Céline Ng-Chan and her son Aldrin are now part of a study on how Covid-19 affects pregnant women and their babies. “As one of the few pregnant mothers in Singapore who contracted Covid-19 during pregnancy, it is important that you participate in research so that perhaps we can fight the virus better.», He explains again to Vice.

Last July, a hospital in Clamart, France, found that a baby had contracted Covid-19 while still in the womb. The virus had crossed the placenta and infected the fetus. The baby is now completely healed.

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