The appearance of a frost ulcer-like skin infection in adolescents and young adults with Corona patients


As the Coronavirus pandemic grows (COVID-19), More viral infections appear at the start of the outbreak, reported by people with HIV COVID-19 On the symptoms of fever, cough and breathing difficulties, and later, other symptoms were added, such as loss of the sense of taste, loss of smell and mouth lesions in children.

A team of dermatologists in Spain and Italy say ischemic heart lesions, similar to swollen fingers, have been reported around the world during the pandemic. COVID-19.

To access the results of the study, which was published in the journal ” the Journal of Clinical and Experimental DermatologyAfter a comprehensive review of the articles published in the literature, the team summarized the current knowledge on the cutaneous manifestations of the corona in children, the personal experience of dermatologists in Europe.

The increase in cases of skin among children
The increase in cases of skin among children

Swollen fingers like lesions

Swollen finger lesions are a painful, itchy lump on the skin, which usually appears on the hands and feet, and results from poor blood circulation in the skin after exposure to cold.

Coronavirus-associated frostbite-like lesions are characterized as a swollen or ulcerated skin lesion of the toes and soles of the feet and appear less frequently on the fingers and hands.

Injuries are most common in children, adolescents and young adults, with the majority of patients experiencing excellent health and mild symptoms, and the recovery period in all cases is 4-8 weeks.

Since (March) 2020, several scaly lesions or similar reports of swollen toes have spread across social media and Google Trends, and many people have searched for keywords such as “swollen toes”, “toes”, “fingers” and injuries. related to “Coronavirus” “in France.

However, the first published study and a possible case of Corona disease occurred, as freeze-like injuries in Italy, followed by some similar case reports in Spain and the Middle East, and patients reporting Corona-associated injuries were mostly young and limited Their homes due to closure orders and unprecedented cases.

In Spain, doctors reported cases of “false finger swelling” in 19% of 375 patients with skin manifestations of COVID-19In addition, 277 cases reported in France with frostbite-like lesions were mostly confirmed or suspected cases of COVID-19.

Common in children and adolescents

The lesions most commonly appear in children and adolescents who are otherwise healthy, however, it is rarely seen in children under the age of 10.

In 74-100% of cases, the lesions appeared on the feet. Multiple, round lesions usually affect the entire toe with a clear demarcation. In some cases, the lesions may turn dark purple with black scales.

Children and adolescents who develop the lesions are usually asymptomatic, but local pain and itching may occur. Additionally, all children and adolescents had positive health outcomes and no complications, and the reported recovery period ranged from 12 days to more than eight weeks.

Researchers have elucidated some of the pathogenic mechanisms around how finger swelling is related COVID-19.

First, patients with severe corona have a poor response to interferon (IFNType 1 and increased tumor necrosis factor and interleukin production.

The team explained that patients with swollen fingers exhibit a strong antiviral response, thereby reducing virus replication, however, an early response can lead to changes in microangiopathy, resulting in swelling-like lesions.

Finally, the researchers note that a change in habits during the pandemic and blockade could be related to freezing and this could be due to walking barefoot at home, lack of physical activity and stress.


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