Technical analysis with obituaries: the broadcaster declares Queen and many stars dead


To be prepared for the deaths of well-known personalities, the media houses are preparing obituaries for contemporaries still alive. Bad, however, if the explosive permanent phrase goes online due to a breakdown. This incident happened hundreds of times to a French broadcaster.

Embarrassing glitch: French radio station RFI accidentally posted hundreds of obituaries of people still alive. Celebrities honored on the station’s website included Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, Brazilian football king Pele, and French actress Brigitte Bardot. The broadcaster apologized for the mistake and referred to a “glitch”.

“We are working hard to fix this major bug and we apologize to those affected and to you who follow and trust us,” the international radio station said on Twitter. The obituaries were prescribed by reporters in order to quickly react to an actual death, the broadcaster said. This is a common practice with many media outlets.

The publication of the obituaries had led to numerous reactions on the Internet, from confusion to misunderstanding to ridicule. Personalities accidentally declared dead by RFI included former US President Jimmy Carter, American actor Clint Eastwood, Italian actress Sophia Loren, and Iran’s spiritual leader Ayatollah Ali Chamenei.


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