Task Mate, the new application to earn money from your mobile


You would like it to earn money from your mobile? There are several ways to do this, although most are mobile-related or mobile-related jobs. Making money using your mobile is complicated, or well, making a lot of money using your mobile is complicated. Google just launched an app called Task Mate which will allow you to earn money using your mobile and doing small businesses. Yes, it’s similar to Opinion Rewards, but with a broader focus. You can earn money from mobile easily and quickly. Obviously not too much.

This is how Task Mate works, money in exchange for completing tasks

While Opinion awards focuses on paying users to complete surveys, Google’s new app goes a little further. It’s already available in beta in some regions and it’s a matter of time before it reaches the world. The idea is good, even if it doesn’t become a file application to earn a lot of money. Yes, it will help you purchase apps or pay for cheap monthly services.

Task Mate it is a kind of social network that launches small jobs to users. A user can choose which jobs to do and get paid based on difficulty or time taken. Google Task Mate He has jobs ranging from dictating sentences to taking photographs of some places in your city.

The payments they are not tall at all, since all works are rewarded with a few cents. Of course, they are easy to complete and you can get several euros / dollars per month if you consider using the application for 10-15 minutes a day.

They are mainly small tasks this can take no more than 5 minutes and they will give you some cents. We still don’t know what can be done with the money you generate, but it is almost certain that you can only spend it on Google services or applications. Not bad news, well yes generate 5 or 10 euros / dollars per month You can use them to pay for a subscription or an application / game.

The service is currently available in India for only a few users, but will soon spread to other parts of the world. Google’s idea is to get power your platforms with real and not-so-artificial intelligence. Of course, you won’t get a living wage with this app, just a few free apps from time to time.

How about Task Mate? Do you think this is a good concept?


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