Tag Archives: Zhou Xiaochuan: Monetary policy should take into account the experience of asset prices behind inflation indicators

Zhou Xiaochuan: Monetary Policy Should Consider Resource Price Experience Behind Inflation Indicators – Financial News

[ad_1] Zhou Xiaochuan: Monetary policy should take into account the experience of asset prices underlying inflation indicators Author: Duchuan   [ 在中国金融学会会长、央行原行长周小川看来,资产价格不纳入通胀考虑已不行了,怎么纳入还需研究。 ]   [ 传统的通胀度量会面临四个方面的不足和挑战。其中之一,是较少包含资产价格会带来失真,特别是长周期比较的失真。通胀在长期度量上存在问题,特别是资产价格如何反映到生活质量、支出结构上。此外还有长期投资回报应折现入当期通胀的问题。 ] “What kind of standard of living can you buy with a specific income? Is the cost of earning a specific income through work very hard, …

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