[ad_1] Scientists have discovered the remains of an ancient “fossil galaxy” hidden within our Milky Way. The galaxy is what remains of a very ancient galaxy that collided with our galaxy a long time ago, scientists think. The galaxy was identified by spotting old stars with a different makeup in …
Read More »Ancient “fossil galaxy” sighted inside our Milky Way – BGR
[ad_1] Scientists have discovered the remains of an ancient “fossil galaxy” hidden within our Milky Way. The galaxy is what remains of a very ancient galaxy that collided with our galaxy a long time ago, scientists think. The galaxy was identified by spotting old stars with a different makeup in …
Read More »The discovery that stunned the scientific world! The secret in the depths of the Milky Way revealed: Sabah
[ad_1] The discovery that stunned the scientific world! Deep in the mystery of the Milky Way revealedSabah LAST MINUTE: The “fossil galaxy” hidden in the depths of the Milky Way has been discovered: almost half …calendar Discovery of a “fossil galaxy” hidden in the depths of the Milky WayNTV Show …
Read More »Scientists find that outer space isn’t pitch black after all
[ad_1] Look at the night sky and if you are away from the city lights, you will see the stars. The space between those bright points of light is, of course, filled with darkness like ink. Some astronomers have wondered about all that dark space, how dark it really is. …
Read More »A hidden “fossil galaxy” discovered deep in the Milky Way
[ad_1] Astronomers have discovered a “fossil galaxy” hidden deep in the Milky Way. Dubbed Heracles, the dead galaxy remained from the early universe and is thought to have collided with the Milky Way about 10 billion years ago. Researchers say the remains of Heracles account for about one third of …
Read More »Our Milky Way’s biggest collision was with the “Kraken Galaxy”, not the “Gaia Sausage”, scientists say
[ad_1] M80 / NGC 6093, one of the densest globular clusters in the Milky Way, which it contains … [+] hundreds of thousands of ancient stars. SSPL via Getty Images Where does our galaxy come from? It’s one of the biggest questions in cosmology and yet astronomers are only now …
Read More »Researchers decipher the Milky Way’s family tree
[ad_1] Astrophysicists have reconstructed the first complete family tree of the Milky Way by analyzing millions of stars. Scientists have long known that galaxies can grow from the merger of smaller galaxies, but until now the ancestry of our galaxy has been a mystery. Using artificial intelligence (AI) they analyzed …
Read More »Fast radio burst could come from the Milky Way | World / nation
[ad_1] We acknowledge that you are attempting to access this website from a country belonging to the European Economic Area (EEA) including the EU which applies the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and therefore access cannot be granted at this time. If you have any problems, please contact webinfo@gwinnettdailypost.com or …
Read More »NASA has discovered 300 million potentially habitable planets in the Milky Way
[ad_1] Related news After the nine years spent by the space telescope Kepler from NASA identify thousands and thousands of planets in Milky WayScientists from around the world have analyzed the data collected and determined that these planets, in our galaxy, are capable of supporting liquid water on their surface. …
Read More »A brief flash from our galaxy came from a dead magnetic star
[ad_1] They describe how lightning might have occurred. In April, several ground-based telescopes captured a very fast space flash. It wouldn’t be that special if it didn’t come directly from our galaxy. Related article A mysterious lightning has come from a galaxy that looks like the Milky Way To read …
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