Symptoms warn you of a lack of potassium in your body … Watch out for them – Erm News


Despite the importance of potassium for a healthy body, many of us don’t mind getting our daily allowance of this nutrient.

Lack of potassium in the body leads to the occurrence of many pathological symptoms.

What is the importance of potassium for the body?

Potassium helps regulate blood pressure and acidity, reduces the risk of stroke, osteoporosis and kidney stones, and promotes heart health. Healthcare organizations recommend taking a daily percentage, which varies between 3,500 and 4,700 mg.

The following are the first symptoms of potassium deficiency:

Muscle fatigue and weakness

Lack of potassium in the body leads to a feeling of weakness and fatigue and muscle weakness and weakness, and several studies have indicated that potassium deficiency increases blood sugar levels, which causes a feeling of fatigue and fatigue.


Digestive problems

Potassium plays an effective role in muscle contraction, so its deficiency leads to indigestion, constipation and, in some cases, paralyzes the digestive tract.

Muscle spasm

When the body does not get the potassium it needs, this leads to muscle cramps and in some cases exacerbates severe muscle pain and stiffness, and this can lead to exposing the body’s muscles to damage.


Symptoms that warn of a potassium deficiency include an accelerated heart rate during periods of rest, not during exercise, and irregular heartbeats associated with many serious heart disease.


shortness of breath

Potassium is the link between the brain and the lungs, it is responsible for sending brain signals to the lungs to contract and expand, and when the potassium level in the body decreases, severe breathing becomes difficult and in not many cases the lungs can stop fully function.

Foods rich in potassium

To get your body potassium level, include these potassium-rich foods in your diet: avocados, bananas, spinach, potatoes, white beans, baked potatoes, dried apricots, and dried tomatoes.



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