Symptoms of emphysema are numerous, most notably chest pain and persistent cough


Emphysema is a type of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease which is a chronic progressive disease caused by damage to the air sacs or small air sacs in the lung where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged and the result is air retention, low blood oxygen levels (hypoxia) and increased levels of dioxide. Carbon in the blood (hypercapnia). Emphysema is associated with severe disability and is a leading cause of death worldwide, in this report we learn about the symptoms of emphysema, according to the site. “very good health“.

Symptoms of emphysema

Symptoms of emphysema are numerous, and the disease primarily affects the lungs, but it can also affect other organs and systems, including the heart, muscles, and bloodstream, as the disease progresses.

Depending on the stage of the disease and other factors, symptoms of emphysema can include:

-shortness of breath.

Persistent cough

Sputum production


Frequent respiratory infections (including pneumonia)

Chest pain

Cyanosis (cyanosis of the fingers and lips due to lack of oxygen in the blood)

In addition to respiratory symptoms, emphysema can also lead to exercise intolerance and muscle atrophy.

The combination of reduced physical activity and chronic respiratory fatigue can promote the loss of lean muscle mass, particularly the core muscles, a condition that only exacerbates respiratory symptoms.

Finally, emphysema is characterized by what is known as an exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. These are the times when symptoms worsen and require hospitalization. Flare-ups can develop due to infections, exposure to air pollution, wood smoke, or even perfumes.

People with emphysema are also at increased risk for lung cancer, according to research from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, COPD increases the risk of lung cancer by 200% to 500% compared to smokers without COPD.

If your COPD symptoms get worse, talk to your doctor about the possibility of lung cancer, which is more treatable if diagnosed in the early stages of the disease.


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