Symptoms of a heart attack in men and women .. The difference between angina and heart attack?


What are the symptoms of a heart attack in men? What are the symptoms of a heart attack in women? What are the reasons for the differences? How do we deal with it? What is the difference between heart attack, angina and cardiac arrest? The answers are in this full report.

We start with a “heart attack”, where chest tightness, sweating and pain in the shoulders and arms are the most common symptoms of a heart attack. But there are big differences in how men and women experience a heart attack.

Memorial Care provides warning symptoms for both men and women

Symptoms of a heart attack in men

1- Pain or tightness in the chest that looks like something heavy lying on your chest.

2- A feeling of pressure on the chest that comes and goes or stays still.

3- Pain in the upper body in the arms, left shoulder, back, neck, jaw or stomach.

4- Accelerated heart rate.

5- Pain or “stomach discomfort” (indigestion).

6- Shortness of breath.

7- Vertigo.

8- Cold sweat, and is defined as sudden sweating, which is not the result of the presence of a person in a hot atmosphere or of exertion.

Symptoms of a heart attack in women

1- Unusual tiredness that lasts for several days.

2- Sleep disturbances.

3- Anxiety.

4- Vertigo.

5- Shortness of breath.

6- Stomach pain or discomfort.

7- Pain in the upper back or shoulder.

8- Pain in the throat.

9- Pain in the jaw.

10- Pressure or pain in the center of the chest, which can spread to the arm.

Note that most women do not experience classic symptoms such as chest or arm pain, and many women experience symptoms of a heart attack more than a month before the attack occurs.

Nika Goldberg, medical director of Joan H. And Langone Medical Center said in a statement to the American Heart Association that women may experience shortness of breath, pressure, pain in the lower chest or upper abdomen, dizziness or fainting, pressure in the upper back or extreme tiredness.

Goldberg added that a woman having a heart attack can feel very short of breath as if she were running a marathon; But she didn’t take any steps.

Why the difference?

In men, a heart attack usually begins with a sudden rupture of the “cholesterol-filled plaque” in the heart’s coronary artery. Which leads to a blood clot. In younger women, in particular, plaque is more likely to corrode into the vessel wall than to explode.

“Women are more likely to have smaller, non-fatal heart attacks,” said Dr. Nadita Scott, a cardiologist and co-director of the Corrigan Women’s Heart Health Foundation, in a statement to

Women are also more likely than men to develop “small vessel disease,” a condition in which the small vessels within the heart muscle are blocked rather than the large superficial arteries.

“We see many women suffering from classic ‘angina’ (chest pain associated with the heart), but their major coronary arteries look normal; they may have a heart attack if the condition is not treated,” adds Dr. Scott.

Postmenopausal women also experience a sudden and unusual change in the shape of the heart muscle known as Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, which occurs in response to intense emotional stress. Also called “broken heart syndrome”, it is characterized by chest pain and changes in the heart’s electrical activity that mimic a heart attack, however the arteries appear devoid of cholesterol plaques (which cause heart attack) during the initial event; But these women are still at risk for heart rhythm problems or even death.

In all cases, emergency services should be contacted directly if you suffer from any of the symptoms of a heart attack and also when suspected.

What is a heart attack? What’s different from angina and cardiac arrest?

Heart attack, which we talked about the differences in its symptoms between men and women, is also known as “myocardial infarction” and “heart attack”, which is a condition that occurs when a clot (a clot mass of blood, or a blood clot) closes. Part of the coronary arteries, which supply blood to the heart muscle, and this disruption of the blood supply can cause damage or death in the heart tissue, from which the blood is cut.

In a heart attack, death or permanent damage to heart cells occurs due to insufficient oxygen supply. This is a medical emergency and can be fatal if not treated early.

heart attack

Angina pectoris is chest pain caused by insufficient blood flow to the heart muscle itself. In angina, there is no death or permanent damage to heart cells, which is a risk factor for heart attack.

Causes of angina include coronary artery disease, or blockage in arteries, and smoking infection factors, and exertion of strenuous physical exertion and exposure to emotional pressure.

When suffering from angina, one should stop doing any activity and lie down in a comfortable position. If the person has any of the angina medications, they are taken, such as “Nitroglycerin”.

Angina pectoris does not lead to death; But you must consult a doctor and find out the causes and address it, because it indicates the existence of a problem that obstructs the blood supply to the heart muscle and failure to treat it can lead to a heart attack, which is an emergency condition that can lead to death.

If a person is unsure whether they are having a heart attack or angina, they should call 911.

heart attack

Cardiac Arrest “Cardiac Arrest”, in which the heart stops functioning, and its symptoms are patient failure when it hits the shoulder, failure to breathe normally or stops breathing.

But there may be warning signs before cardiac arrest, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, and heart palpitations.

Cardiac arrest is a serious medical emergency and emergency services should be called and the patient admitted to hospital immediately. Because it is fatal and when a person has cardiac arrest, emergency services must be called immediately and CPR initiated.


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