Summer house 2020: 10 months of probation


Lisha unpacks her past

YouTuber Lisha cannot be ignored in the “Summer House of the Stars”: with phrases like “Shut up!”, “You are the f ***** here” or “A lying piece of filth”, insults all fools. Lisha has never been able to hold back her anger. “I was really involved in fighting, and it wasn’t unusual,” he explains to RTL. The YouTuber explains in the video how young he was in his first fight and why he has this tendency to violence.

Without the other, Lisha and Lou would be in prison

Lisha and her husband Lou (31), who she has been dating for over 10 years, actually share everything with their followers, because they don’t know about privacy. Also on YouTube they have already talked about the fact that they used to “get very wrong” and also “have been tried very often”. The maximum sentence so far: “10 months of probation”. If the YouTubers hadn’t met, it could have ended even worse. Lisha told RTL: “I think my files would be a lot bigger and a lot worse if I didn’t meet him.” He even claims that Lou saved him from prison.

After all, the two of them know it was wrong and Lou also has an explanation for it: “Love can change everyone. This was the case with us at the right time and in the right place.”

In the video: Lisha distributes the nomination correctly!

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