Study group identifies 5 pre-sleep foods – website news – follow-up


Health experts have warned that seven to nine hours of sleep every night is necessary in order to preserve health and reduce the risk of developing certain chronic diseases.

Doctors say there are many strategies that allow a person to relax at night and get enough sleep, emphasizing that the quality of the foods they eat before bed is something that needs to be taken seriously.

Here are some of the best foods nutritionists recommend eating to improve sleep quality, according to the “Healthline” website:

Almonds: An excellent source of many nutrients, which reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. This is attributed to healthy monounsaturated fats, fibers, and antioxidants. Antioxidants can also protect human cells from harmful infections.

Some studies indicate that almonds may help improve sleep, as it is a source of the hormone melatonin, which regulates the body’s “internal hours and makes it ready for sleep.”

Turkey: It is rich in protein, which keeps muscles strong and regulates appetite.

And some studies have found that the protein in turkey makes people feel tired. Nutritionists say there is evidence that eating moderate amounts of protein before bed improves sleep quality.

Kiwi: a low-calorie and highly nutritious fruit. According to studies conducted on kiwifruit’s ability to improve sleep quality, this fruit improves a person’s ability to sleep through the night without waking up. This is attributed to serotonin, a chemical in the brain that helps regulate the sleep cycle.

Fatty fish: This type of fish, like salmon and tuna, is considered healthy par excellence, and the omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D present in it improve the quality of sleep.
Studies show that omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D increase serotonin production.

White Rice: White rice is high in carbohydrates. Healthline said eating this type of rice an hour before bed can help you get “sound sleep”.

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