Study: Breathing Techniques Reduce Blood Alcohol Level | Health | A must for better health | DW


Canadian researchers concluded that rapid breathing accelerates wakefulness when a person is drunk. The researchers used advanced technology and a special respirator. It has been found to work to reduce the blood alcohol level at a rate up to three times faster, according to the German news site “Stuttgart Nachrichten”.

The researchers add in their study – which was published in the specialized scientific journal “Nature” – that respiratory control and ventilation would significantly increase the rate of decomposition of ethanol in the blood. The lungs, the researchers said, help the liver remove alcohol from the body.

The research team, under the supervision of anesthetist Joseph Fischer in Toronto, Canada, revealed that deep and very rapid breathing has a positive effect on the process of removing toxins in the blood, which was found after testing this technique. on five male volunteers, according to the German magazine “Spectum”.

But at the same time, researchers are calling for the need to be wary of those who are considering doing this technology at home and without the supervision of medical professionals. The reason is that fast breathing can be risky and can cause large amounts of carbon monoxide to escape and large amounts of oxygen to enter the body, which can cause many things like fainting, adds the German news site “Stuttgart. Nachrichten “.

To avoid this, the researchers asked the volunteers undergoing the experiment to wear a mask attached to a respirator, which is used to provide patients with carbon monoxide poisoning. Thanks to this device, doctors were able to select a selective dose of the amount of carbon monoxide that study participants inhaled to avoid an imbalance in the blood mixing ratio.

While conducting this study; The researchers injected the participants’ blood with a mixture of vodka, 40% alcohol and mineral water. The researchers supervised the experiment using different analyzers, as stated in a summary of the study in the journal “Spectum”.

The aim of the study was to find an effective method for treating alcohol poisoning. High levels of alcohol in the blood cause damage to organs and can cause death from choking or heart problems. Researchers, however, say that the breathing technique does not mean that high blood alcohol levels can avoid these consequences. This technique remains only a preventive measure.

The researchers want to expand the number of clinical trial participants because they included a very small number, to see how effective it is to help people who have suffered alcohol poisoning.

P. P


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