Stop HIV-related discrimination by the French state


Grandstand. We, associations and activists, denounce the discrimination committed by the French state against people living with HIV (PLHIV). Currently, PLHIV is barred from recruitment or fired by the police, gendarmerie, army, and firefighters if the state learns of their HIV status, even if these people are treated and have a viral load. not detectable. This is discrimination because of their state of health, totally unacceptable!

Read alsoHIV-positive people excluded from the police and the army: associations appeal to the Council of State

Today in France, new HIV infections mainly affect gay men and bis and people born abroad. This discrimination, which targets PLHIV, therefore has concrete effects on gays, bis and people of foreign origin. Behind the serophobic regulations there is an institutional system that discriminates against people on the basis of their sexual orientation and origin.

We, associations and activists, have officially asked the Minister of the Interior and the Minister of the Armed Forces to repeal the rules establishing this discrimination (1). We have not received a reply. This silence is unacceptable. It is also incomprehensible.

Indeed, according to the World Health Organization, “Several studies show that people living with HIV who have an” undetectable “viral load cannot transmit HIV to others […]. By preserving the vitality of their immune systems, antiretroviral therapy allows people living with HIV to live long and healthy lives. ” (2)

No risk of transmission

This observation is shared by Jean-Michel Molina, head of the infectious disease department at the Saint-Louis hospital in Paris, who confirms that“There is no risk of transmission even in the case of blood splatters” (3). Thanks to the latest antiretroviral treatments, HIV-positive people are thus fully capable of serving in the defense and protection of the French.

Taking note of this scientific progress, the highest French authorities in the field of health and discrimination have expressed themselves in favor of the elimination of this discrimination. The Higher Council for Public Hygiene of France (4), the High Authority for the fight against discrimination (5), the internal ombudsman of the national police (6), as well as a recent information report from the National Assembly (7) all reported “Discrimination in access to work based on health status”.

We, associations and activists, now appeal to the State Council to end this discrimination. The principle of equality, affirmed by the French Constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights, is against people living with HIV / AIDS who are discriminated against because of their state of health.

PLWHA rights are fundamental rights, which must be enforced within the army, police, gendarmerie and fire brigade!

(1) Minister of the Interior: decree of 12/09/2016, decree of 06/05/2000, decree of 02/08/2010 and decree of 20/12/2012. Minister of the Armed Forces: decree of 20/12/2012, decree of 10/07/2017, instruction n ° 2100 / DEF / DCSSA / AST / AME.

(2) World Health Organization, HIV / AIDS, Questions and Answers, nov. 2019.

(3) Statement by Jean-Michel Molina of 22 June 2020.

(4) Opinion of 17 June 2005 of the Higher Council of Public Hygiene on the prevention of transmission of HIV to patients by healthcare professionals.

(5) Halde Resolution No. 2006-92 of 9 May 2006.

(6) Extract from the report of the Internal Ombudsman of the National Police 2018-2019.

(7) National Assembly briefing report of 27 March 2019 on anti-discrimination mechanisms within the armed forces.

A collective of associations and activists


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