Steps to extract a decision on treatment at state expense, conditions and eligible groups


The procedures for requesting or extracting a treatment decision at the expense of the state, the documents required, the general conditions that must be met to approve the application and priority groups deserving of priority are all the main issues for those who wish to submit the application to the trustee to dispense medicines or conduct a trial and cannot afford them, and a number of those concerned have transferred the steps for Dr. Mohamed Zaidan, head of specialized medical councils, as well as what is published on his official website, to which he can refer to check everything that will be listed below.

The services of the website of the Specialist Medical Councils affiliated with the Ministry of Health and Population allow an electronic application that can be used, in addition to communicating via the automated call service to the telephone number (0222641700), during working hours from eight in the morning until eight in the evening, in order to inquire about treatment decisions at the expense of the state, as we will explain in detail below, as the national network of the council contains 27 offices at the level of all the governorates of the Republic.

Eligible groups are paid at the expense of the state

The specialized medical councils have determined the checks to be carried out by groups eligible for treatment at the expense of the state, as well as a presentation of the policy of providing the service by purchasing it from all hospitals that wish to treat patients without discrimination, according to a signed agreement or protocol between the council and the hospital, and the official website needs to be reviewed (http: / / to verify the attached information and on eligible groups, including:

  1. A citizen of Egyptian nationality.
  2. He shouldn’t have an insurance period, that is, he doesn’t have health insurance.
  3. He is unable to pay the cost of treatment.
Procedure for requesting treatment at the expense of the state
Procedure for requesting treatment at the expense of the state

The specialist medical councils have made it clear that they have a care database which is the strongest in the Middle East, and is designed to support decision making in relevant fields, whatever the therapeutic service system will be used, as we have indicated above that the healthy network for treatment includes 27 sub-councils, as well as 12 of the leading hospitals nationwide, from which patients visit to obtain treatment at the expense of the state, as well as 400 other hospitals that apply online, then receive an image of the decision to start providing the service to the patient, regardless of the arrival of the origin of the decision, so that the burden on applicants, taking into account their health conditions and conditions of travel and discomfort, receive decisions.

The method for extracting the treatment decision

The steps first include identifying the required documents.

  • A copy of the double-sided national identity card.
  • Medical report.
  • Recent research, reports and analysis.
  • A certified and stamped copy issued by one of the hospitals providing the service for the report of the three commissions.

When the documents requested above are available, the steps will be followed to submit a request for a treatment decision at the expense of the State, as indicated below.

  1. Go to one of the hospitals designated for state-sponsored care, and can be identified by the location and names of the hospitals providing the service on the website of the Specialized Medical Council “ about.aspx? par = 3 & id = 36 “.
  2. Sign the medical examination on the patient and prepare the report of the three commissions with the knowledge of the hospital doctors and another for the patient.
  3. Send patient documents to the affected department of the hospital.
  4. Documents include national identity card, patient medical report, three committee report, copy of national identity card, recent research.
  5. The competent employee records the data through the appropriate form prepared, with electronic compilation of the data through the services of the national network for processing by the State.
  6. The relevant authorities will process and review the application at the main medical council center in Cairo governorate.
  7. Submit the application electronically to the competent authorities for decision making.
  8. The citizen receives the service applicant, choosing him via SMS, on his telephone number registered in the application.
  9. The disease goes to the hospital for the curative service.

All details can be reviewed via the official website above to clarify any steps mentioned without sufficient explanation.

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