Stefan Stan became a father. The artist’s wife gave birth to their first child


Stefan Stan and Simona, his wife, are going through one of the best times of their life. The artist is extremely happy and excited afterwards he became a father for the first time, his wife gave birth to a girl.

Simona gave birth by caesarean section, both the baby and the mother in perfect health.

“I can’t express how I feel, it’s a divine gift. We are waiting for our loved one from moment to moment. Simona is 38 weeks pregnant and the baby already has, according to the ultrasound, 3,600 kg. We moved into the house quest ‘year, although it was quite difficult. We did not know what financial endeavors we were going into in the midst of the crisis, we didn’t have concerts like before, like all artists, it was very difficult for us. However, we were worried about fixing the our nest and to adequately wait for our princess. I have just set up the kitchen and her room “, said the artist for some time ago.

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